Jonah Hill is renowned for his films, Moneyball (2011) and The Wolf of Wall Street (2013). The Academy-award nominee went through an enormous struggle with body shaming and a self-image crisis as a child. It was not until he started writing that he realized how much hurt these issues had inflicted upon him.
Hill is an actor, director, and comedian. Throughout his acting career, he lost and gained weight several times in serious pursuit of roles. On ‘The Ellen Show’ in 2018, Hill revealed his teenage miseries, body transformation, and habits that have changed his persona.
Jonah Hill was a victim of abusive comments
As a teenager, Hill was subject to jokes and insults owing to his shape and size. He said, “I spent most of my young adult life listening to people say I was fat, gross, and unattractive.” Although it is a thing of the past, the successful actor said, “ kind of carry some part of that with you,” reiterating its lasting impact on him.
He recounted being overweight and feeling misfit among the skater and hip-hop kids, “just feeling lonely and maybe not understanding my own worth.” However, Hill didn’t allow himself to drown in the myriad of disturbing thoughts about his appearance.
He went through several body transformations. And the path-breaking one came in his late twenties when he chose to follow a healthier lifestyle to keep his fitness in check. He wished there was a straightforward route to a splendid physique, but nope… there were no shortcuts.
Bodybuilding through a healthy lifestyle
The director and actor came to the spotlight for his performance in Moneyball (2011). The Academy nominated him for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. At the same time, Hill felt an unprecedented need to take responsibility for his health and life.
He chose a healthier lifestyle and changed habits, as advised by his nutritionist. The actor found running as a great way to zoom into exercising. By doing so, he “started physically running instead of emotionally running.” Regarding his diet, he is a huge fan of sushi.
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From doing 10 push-ups a day to 100 push-ups a day, Hill made great strides in his fitness journey, as is evident in his physical appearance and mental fortitude. What do you think about Jonah’s journey to fitness?