Ask Annalisa BarbieriFamilyAnnalisa Barbieri advises a reader on her problemI have two daughters. The younger is two: beautiful, smiley, gets everyone to do what she wants. The elder is five: intelligent, sensitive, kind and more like me.
The problem is that I never liked me. I grew up with a lot of criticism from my parents, who thought I needed to be perfect. In certain aspects, I turned out OK, but in others I still have problems. Read More...
Wealthy Palm Beach residents have slammed 'rude' New Yorkers for infiltrating their city and taking up their parking spots, filling up their schools, and even hogging their tennis courts.
As cost of living skyrockets in Big Apple - which ties with Singapore as the most expensive city in the world - New Yorkers have been fleeing the bright lights of Manhattan for the tax-free, lower crime rate state of Florida.
New Yorkers, such as Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner who daily runs in the sun, and Jon Bon Jovi, have snapped up more properties in Florida, long-term residents are beginning to become irritated by their presence, especially in Palm Beach. Read More...
The Silicon Valley romance of Uber CEO Travis Kalanick and his street violinist girlfriend has come to an end.
Page Six reports that the 40-year-old tech billionaire has called it quits with Gabi Holzwarth, 26, with sources blaming the split on the increased pressures Kalanick has been facing at work due to his company's massive losses.
It was revealed on Thursday that the company lost over $1 billion in the first half of the year, a devastating blow for Kalanick, who founded the company in 2009 and has expanded operations to over 58 countries in the past five years. Read More...