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Marc Anthony's Father Felipe Muiz Debuts as a Solo Artist

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In 2015, the superstar sat for an interview with Meredith Vieira on The Meredith Vieira Show and explained how his dad was brutally honest with him while growing up. "My dad told me early on, he said, ‘Son, we're both ugly,'" the 47-year-old singer said. "I swear to God, he says it to this day. And he goes, ‘You work on your personality. It builds character.'" ncG1vNJzZmivp6x7prvNpaCnnV6YvK57zZ6urGdoaH1ygJhopJqqk2Kur8DHqKWyZaNis6LAx56pZp6VobaxsYymrKehqmKxpq7UrapmmaNirm6%2FzqWmZpmiqba0wA%3D%3D

Raise Your Hand If You're Sure!

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Britney won't let the shackles of a trimmed up society keep her down! An unshaven popwreck was photo'd outside of a dance studio in Los Angeles this afternoon. Add some granola, a hemp necklace and a hacky sack -- and Brit's good to go! Shareon Facebook TWEETThis ncG1vNJzZmivp6x7tbnZZ5qopV9nfXGEjmpnaGllZL%2BitdKeZLKnpad6qa3NnWSinl2uvLa%2BxGaqrqqVZA%3D%3D

Hitler's Furies: German Women in the Nazi Killing Fields by Wendy Lower review

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The ObserverHistory booksReviewWendy Lower's account of the women who volunteered to work for Hitler in the new German empire to the east is truly chillingWhere did the best career opportunities lie for an ambitious young woman in Germany in 1941? In the Red Cross? The army? Or, perhaps, the Gestapo – which, by the end of the war, was 40% staffed by women? No, the best prospects probably lay in the Ostraum, the new German empire to the east, in occupied Poland and then Ukraine and Belarus, where 10,000 secretaries were needed, plus countless teachers and nurses. Read More...


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