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Study: Seeing Red, Blue Affects Outcome Of Tasks

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Red, Blue And The Brain In one part of the study, the researchers used a series of fictional ads to see how color affects people's response. They found that if the background color was red, like in the first ad below, people had more favorable impressions when the ad had specific details about the product. If the background was blue, people favored ads that had more creative, evocative messaging, like in the second ad. Read More...

The 'Christian movement' that tells husbands to SPANK their wives 'to correct misbehavior'

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A growing number of married American couples are agreeing to allow husbands to keep their wives 'in line' by taking to corporal punishment. The trend is called Christian Domestic Discipline and much of what is known about the practice is published on the websiteLearning Domestic Discipline, published by husband and wife CDD duo, Clint and Chelsea. The website states: 'It is an arrangement between two adults who share the belief that the husband is the head of the household and with that position comes the right to enforce his authority. Read More...

The Weeknd Isn't Here For Your "Blinding Lights" Period Jokes

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We hailed The Weeknd's "Blinding Lights" video as one of his best visual displays ever but some of his fans aren't quite able to see through all the blood that appears in the clip. If you haven't seen it yet, there's A LOT of blood gracing the face of the Canadian superstar, who gets into a fight and walks throughout the city with his visage a dark shade of crimson. People have been cracking jokes about one particular instance in the video, where The Weeknd maniacally laughs with dark red liquid dripping from his mouth. Read More...


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