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Tim Rollins obituary | Art

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In Animal Farm (1989 onwards), depictions of world leaders, each with the body of a beast, overlay Orwell’s parable. Painting by Tim Rollins and the KOS; courtesy Maureen Paley, LondonIn Animal Farm (1989 onwards), depictions of world leaders, each with the body of a beast, overlay Orwell’s parable. Painting by Tim Rollins and the KOS; courtesy Maureen Paley, LondonArtObituaryTim Rollins obituaryArtist whose collaboration with young New Yorkers the Kids of Survival pioneered socially engaged conceptual artTim Rollins, who has died aged 62 of cardiovascular disease, was a conceptual artist and pioneer of socially engaged art. Read More...

'Physical 100' Episode 7 Reveals the True Length of the Atlas Challenge No One Expected This

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Editing can do wonders at warping time regarding the duration of certain events. During Netflix‘s Physical 100, the fourth quest used Greek mythology to inspire its challenges. Using the story of Atlas, four contestants had to withstand the weight of a boulder. But Physical 100 fans were blown away by how long the Atlas challenge truly lasted. [WARNING: This article contains spoilers for Physical 100.] ‘Physical 100’ contestants had to hold the weight of the skies like Atlas’s story The ominous voice stunned the contestants of the Korean unscripted competition series when revealing the fourth quest would be about ancient mythology. Read More...

Hanen Chograni ge

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Hanen Chograni Âge – Le mercredi 18 avril 2019 a vu la signature du contrat de mariage par le journaliste de Bas les Masques. Elle a partagé des images d’elle-même et de sa nièce vêtues de vêtements traditionnels sur diverses plateformes de médias sociaux. Ce qui vient à l’esprit quand on pense à Hanen, c’est un gars généreux. En quelques mots, c’est une personne attentionnée, attentionnée et en quête d’affection. Read More...


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